A motion moved by Transport Workers Union state secretary Mem Suleyman on the stalled project is scheduled for debate at the Victorian Labor State Conference on Sunday.
It calls for the state government to "get serious about the development of the airport rail link" and for all parties to "roll up their sleeves" and get the project done.
In his 10th budget, Treasurer Tim Pallas on May 7 revealed Melbourne Airport Rail would be completed at least four years later than its original 2029 target.
The Victorian government and airport have long been at odds over whether the Tullamarine station should be underground or elevated.
Rail projects will be debated on day two of the Victorian Labor State Conference. (Con Chronis/AAP PHOTOS)
"The frustrating and seemingly endless dispute over whether the project should be overground or underground is not important," the motion reads.
"Airline workers and commuters don't care whether the station is above the ground or underground.
"They just want a station that gives them the same option as every other airline worker at major airports in Australia."
Another motion slated for debate on Sunday is pushing for more railway stations to be built between the Airport and Werribee stations as part of the Suburban Rail Loop.
It suggests no new stations have been promised for the western section of the rail loop plan, which has no estimated cost or finish date.
Treasurer Tim Pallas told a budget estimates hearing on Thursday that the eastern section of the rail line from Cheltenham to Box Hill was deliverable within its $30 billion to $34.5 billion price tag despite a 22 per cent jump in construction costs since 2021.
Speeches from Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Premier Jacinta Allan to party faithful on Saturday were overshadowed when pro-Palestine protesters gatecrashed the event.
Six motions supporting the Palestinian cause, including one calling for an "end to military co-operation with Israel", passed after a fiery debate.