Phillip Johnson at his graduation ceremony. Photo: Supplied.
Few people can say they earned a bachelor’s degree at the age of 81, but Rochester local Phillip Johnson has done just that.
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After many years of studying, he officially graduated in December from the University of Tasmania with a Bachelor of Arts degree.
Mr Johnson said that going to university had always been something he wanted to do.
“I have always wanted to go to university but I never had the opportunity, living in country areas,” he said.
“Now, everything you study you can do it online so you don’t have to physically visit a university and you don’t have to write essays by hand, you can do it all on a computer.
“It is much easier to do it now than it probably was 50 years ago.”
Phillip Johnson with his daughters Phillipa and Anna, who attended the graduation ceremony. Photo: Supplied
After 17 years as Moama Bowling Club chief executive, Mr Johnson retired from his role at the age of 60.
He then took on minor jobs for five years before retiring from the workforce at 65.
At the age of 70, he decided he wanted to take up studying.
He began his studies with a Diploma in Family History, which he started at the University of New England and finished at the University of Tasmania.
After successfully completing his diploma, he then set out to achieve a Bachelor of Arts degree with a focus on family history.
Over six years, he completed various subjects through different universities, including Deakin University, Macquarie University and Charles Sturt University.
Phillip Johnson proudly holding his degree. Photo: Supplied
Mr Johnson said it was a memorable moment when he finally received his graduation certificate.
“It was a really proud moment to be able to walk up and receive my certificate,” he said.
“My heart was full and I was really proud of my achievement.
“It wouldn’t have been possible without the support of my wife, who put up with me sitting on the computer for all hours of the day.”
Mr Johnson will now put all his newfound knowledge towards completing his family tree and learning his family history through genealogy.